Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Marsha
We all love you 
and hope that today is a 
very, very, good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

 Some really nice pictures of both Katelyn and Evan 


Penny & Steve

Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Birthday Sharon

Happy Birthday Sharon

 Have a great day, Your sisters love you a whole bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Some flowers from Nancy's

 These are some pictures from Nancy's yard.  Nancy might be a bit bewildered by me, because she has told me twice, stories  about two of these plants and I will most likely get the stories mixed up, but, here goes.

This first plant on the left was a Peonie that Marsha gave Nancy when Marsha and Gary first moved to Florida.  After decades, it finally decided to bloom out.  Wow!!!  And so pretty.

                                           On the right is a picture of a Lillie that Marsha and Gary gave to Nancy as a gift on one of their trips back home.  She said that she had to move it several times, and it also just bloomed.

                                                                        Roses from her walkway to her front door.  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016

 Looking out my kitchen window, coffee in hand, on Easter morning 2016.  Nice morning.  Don't expect to have it last long on ground.

Will be going over to Darin's this afternoon.  He is roasting ham that Sharon bought, and we will have dinner and there.

Hoping to have a slow, easy afternoon.

Hoping all of you have a good day.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Marsha, remember when you gave us these.  Mine has been on my purse since then.   Sharon change purses often so it depends on which purse she has.  Sorry, Nancy has been too busy to check on hers.  Thought you would like to see them.

 Sharon's is actually heavy enough that in a pinch she could use it as a weapon!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Last week was a bad week for the Poulton Girls, no one was spared!!!!!

We went to Genealogy, we went grocery shopping and I only noticed it once we got to her home and I was about to go home.  She fell against a door jam.  Jam Won!!