Monday, May 16, 2011

On Monday

Sharon and I have genealogy tonight,  Should be working on presenting program, but, wanted to show you my roses. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It got over 100 yesterday.  In fact the high in Hutch was 102.  Ouch.  Way too early for this.  Sharon, Nancy and I went to Bunko last night.  It was a lot of fun, last one for Sharon and me until Fall.  And, then only if they need subs.  Nancy won a prize, Sharon and I did not.  Someone knocked over Sharon's mailbox last week.  Drin got a really nice wood post one up yesterday.  This time the person will have some dcar damage if they hit it.  Garden is growing.  Tomatoes are really taking off.  I work today, then will be off for 3 days until the weekend.  Glad you got some rain a few days ago..  We are in a short drought here also, the yards are already browning up.  Butch is watering ours twice in the mornings, still green.  Again, Way, Way to early for this heat.  Next project is to get Sharon a new air comdidtioner for her living room.  Well All for now. Karen

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It raining now. We really need it. The pictures were great. How is everyone in Hutch?
Gary and I went to the fruit stand yesterday and got a lot of fresh veg and fruit.
I was up at 2:00 this morning and the temp was 73, now it is 69 which is nice. The lawn
is really enjoying the rain. Not doing much. Will write soon.